MINC informs that in the face of the Corona Virus pandemic (COVID-19), it is taking some measures aimed at the well-being of its employees, customers, suppliers and society.
Internal guidelines were established according to instructions provided by the competent health agencies and preventive measures were implemented, among which we highlight:
Distribution of a booklet to employees with important guidelines on preventing infection with the Corona Virus (COVID-19);
Prohibition of access by suppliers, customers and service providers to our facilities;
Part of our administrative team is carrying out its activities under the "Home Office" regime;
Cleaning and hygiene services in the common areas of the company were intensified and containers with alcohol gel were also made available in all departments and at strategic points of the company;
Extension of the lunch period allowing fewer employees at the same time in the cafeteria. We inform that our service / operations are working normally.
We reinforce that our company is 100% committed to meeting the commitments made to our customers and, within our possibilities, we will be making all possible internal and external efforts (supply chain) so that our manufacturing processes and services continue at a normal production pace. . If there is any change in this scenario, we will be communicating.
The moment is challenging and requires care and efforts, but we hope that very soon this whole situation can be overcome and society as a whole can return to its normal life.